Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Please visit the website of the  Australian Edbel Charity Association, we are the webmasters of this website, and any information or news about our village, activities, diaspora ison this new website: http://www.edbel.org/
Thank you

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

My village


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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Aadbel, My Lovely Home

Sassine El Nabbout Photography
Image hosted by Webshots.com
by sasmen1

Sunday, September 25, 2005

A Link To Aadbel photos


Wednesday, September 14, 2005


The Australian Edbel Charity Association donated money to accomplish many community missions in the village!
As i said before, the cemetry have a new wall & road. And a new road was open in the village.
Link : http://community.webshots.com/album/448515806JuxCnT

Akkar Championship In Basket Ball

The Nahda league of Aadbel organized in Aadbel Stadium of Basket ball the Akkarian Championship of Basket ball, witch included all the villages leagues of the region. The final game was between the league of Aadbel & the league of Miniara. The championship was for our league! yoooooopiiii :)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Important Information

Ayn Brayssa Water Is no more valid for drinking... because of pollution with houses dusts...

Thanks To The Australian Edbel Charity Association

Actually, two plans in the village were supported by Edbel League in Australia.
One: Arrangement and road opening to the cimetry of the village.
Two: A road opening between two parts of the village, making distances between some houses and the main village road shorter.
Thanks from the people of Edbel to the Australian Edbel Charity Association.
Sassine El Nabbout MD.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Aadbel, Panoramic View Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Aadbel Information’s

Location: Akkar, North Lebanon.

Height: 250-350 M above sea level.

Population: around 2000 persons.

Main Families: Nabbout, Gerges, Diab, Hannouche, Hawchar, Eid, Semaan, Maalouf, Abd El Massih, Jreige, Jakal, Bounji, Skaff, Hallak.

Churches: St Mary Of Aadbel ( The orthodox Church ) & St George ( The Catholic Church ).

Water Resources: The governmental water sources ( From El Oyoun ), as many local water springs ( Ayn Braysa, Al Charchar, Ayn El Menechha, Ayn El Jeren, Dawwar El Wadi.. ).

Human Resources: mainly in the military & the governemental services, also as workers in the agriculture & chicken farms.

Agriculture: based mainly on Almonds & Olives, as many fruits but in relatively small quantities ( Orange, Lemon, grapes, cucumber, tomato...).

Village Parts: The center village ( in the valley between the four hills), Al Arid ( the Aadbel’s side of Daher Nassar), Al Wadi, Al Daher ( the Aadbel’s side of Daher Halba), Al Azaki, Al Chalouk, Al Marji, Al Talli, Al Baydar, The village governemental school, Akkar governemental hospital.

Village name origin: From Aad Beel, a worrior god from Babylon ( history saying that there is some ruins in a cave in El Wadi, but its unreachable). Another history returns the name to an Arabic origin ( Aad & Bil that was a common word used in this region, by the old bakeries ( Tannour ) workers to count & put some water on the newly formed bread).

Immigration: the biggest number lives in Australia, but others exist in USA, Canada, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, France, Africa, The Arab Gulf...

Actuality: Many ones are working in Beirut & leaving the village due to the hard economical status in our country. The education level was increasing in the last 20 years, but actually not progressing & even decreasing.

Villages Near Aadbel: Halba, Kantara, Bekarezla, Ylat, Daher Nassar, Daher Laysini, Machha.

How to Reach It From Beirut: the high way from Beirut to Tripoli, then from Tripoli to Halba & from Halba Center you go to the right & up, the first village after Halba is Aadbel.

Touristic Facilities: Beautiful Nature, Almost Green all the year, & the biggest & best Restaurant in Akkar

Economical Issues: Contains many shops & mini markets, Flowers Shops, Vegetable & Fruits Shops, many Chicken farms, two wood Factories, two Aluminum Factories, Two Factories for the chicken foods, one big restaurant & two small ones, One Pharmacy, Three Gas Stations, four factories for repair & reconstruction of damaged cars, three meat markets, Car Parts Stock.

Social Issues: Al Nahda League.

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